Usui Reiki
Usui Reiki is a healing artform whose lineage roots in Japan, and stems through Hawaii. The Japanese word ‘Reiki’ is often translated ‘universal life energy, or chi’.
Reiki is often used as complementary therapy to treat oneself, and others. Including animals, environments & all living things. The system of Reiki understands that EVERYTHING is energy.
Kalalea is currently on a hiatus from teaching to deepen her study & practice.
To learn the practice of Reiki, she recommends long-time, esteemed practitioners & teachers Lynne McMahan and Pat Czeto. Lynne may be reached at, and Pat at
Pranayama is a many centuries old breath control practice, drawn from Ayurveda- the Grandmother of all medicine. Ayurveda understands the intimate connections between breath, thought & health.
As a result of our play with breath we cleanse our bodies, tone our nervous systems, and steady our minds. Thus, building & sustaining our overall immunity.
You may have already experienced the power of pranayama, perhaps in yoga class. Understanding, and making pranayama a regular practice of your own can greatly improve your quality of living.
Kalalea is currently on a hiatus from teaching, to deepen her study & practice.
She recommends The Ayurvedic Institute’s periodic trainings in Pranayama at:
For immediate insights and complimentary instructions check out Laura Goellner- The Yoga Focus Method on YouTube: