Take Time to Check In with Yourself
Meditating for even a few minutes (3-5) each morning can create enough space to allow for clarity & peace to bloom. Find a place to sit comfortably. Set a timer. Close your eyes. Exhale completely. As you inhale, think the sound, “So”. As you exhale, think the sound, “Hum”. This will create a conscious rhythm with your breath.
In Indian philosophy it’s understood that “So” means the divine life energy; “Hum” means the individual ego. Thus you’re inhaling life energy, and exhaling limitations of the ego. It’s understood this simple meditation will positively change your life, and swiftly— if done consistently. Experience it for yourself!
If guided meditation is more your thing, try this amazingly effective short by Paramahansa Yogananda’s Self Realization Fellowship: https://youtu.be/TnP9PeHbvTM.
Things to notice…
Are you drinking enough clean water? Are you breathing long, full breaths? If sitting for long periods, are you getting up to stretch, and walk? Do you have the option to stand at your desk? Get a standing apparatus at your desk? Are you alternating between standing & sitting?
If you’re on your feet for long periods, do you rest them? Massaging your own feet & calves with oil or lotion can help a great deal. Elevating your feet above your heart, or the Yoga “legs up the wall” posture for 5-10 minutes is known to be restorative to body & mind. To get in legs up the wall position: scoot close to the wall, facing the wall, lie on your back, rocking side to side until your bum contacts the wall, then straighten legs— up the wall. You will be in an L shape. Here’s a little expanded follow along tutorial:
Check in with your breathing, throughout the day. Let it be deep & full. Check in with your thoughts. Do they bring you joy, and inspiration? Are you feeling empowered? If not, try different thoughts. Make it a game.
Remember: everything we think, eat, drink, watch, read, otherwise take in, and surround ourselves with either diminishes or contributes to our state of wellbeing. It’s up to us.
If I may be of service to you, I’m just a call, or email away: 505-310-1121 or kalalea@rootsofwellbeing.org.